When you apply for health coverage through the insurance Marketplace, you\'ll be able to shield yourself from fraud by following a couple of easy tips.
IMPORTANT: when you complete associate degree application, you will get a telephony from the Marketplace to verify or evoke additional info. See “If you get a decision from the Marketplace” below.
Be informed regarding your health care decisions
Spend a while with health care.gov to find out the fundamentals regarding obtaining health coverage. It’s the official Marketplace web site.
Compare insurance plans fastidiously before creating your call. If you\'ve got queries, decision the insurance Marketplace center at 1-800-318-2596. TTY users ought to decision 1-855-889-4325.
Look for official government seals, logos, or internet addresses (which finish in “.gov”) on materials you see in print or on-line.
Know the Marketplace Open Enrollment dates. nobody will enter you during a health arrange within the Marketplace till Open Enrollment begins or when it ends unless you\'ve got special circumstances.
Protect your personal health care and money info
Never offer your money info, like your banking, mastercard, or account numbers, to somebody WHO calls or involves your home uninvited, notwithstanding they are saying they\'re from the Marketplace. (See “If you get a decision from the Marketplace” below.)
Never offer your personal health info, like your anamnesis or specific treatments you’ve received, to anyone WHO asks you for it. (If you apply sure as shooting Marketplace exemptions, you will be asked for medical documentation.)
Ask queries and verify the answers you get
The Marketplace has trained assisters in each state to assist you at no price. you ought to ne\'er be asked to obtain services or facilitate to use for Marketplace coverage.
Ask queries if any info is unclear.
Write down and keep a record of the name of a salesman or anyone WHO might assist you, WHO he or she works for, signaling, address, address, email address, and web site.
Double check any info that\'s confusing or sounds funny. look at health care.gov to verify things or decision the Marketplace at 1-800-318-2596. TTY users ought to decision 1-855-889-4325.
If you get a decision from the Marketplace
After you apply you will get a telephony from the Marketplace asking you to verify or offer additional info. If we have a tendency to don’t have this info we have a tendency to might not able to method your application.
Follow the following pointers to assist stop fraud:
If your phone has caller ID, check the amount. The show might show one in every of these:
Health Insurance MP
The client service representative can say they\'re business from the Marketplace and supply a full name and agent ID variety. Write them down.
A Marketplace representative might leave a message on your electronic device. If this happens, you won’t be able to decision back. If the Marketplace can’t reach you when three tries, you’ll get a letter within the mail telling you what to try and do next.
The Marketplace representative might raise you the following:
To verify your identity, victimization info you provided on your application
To provide or verify the last four digits of your Social Security variety. If you didn’t place your full Social Security variety on your application, they will evoke the complete variety.
To verify or offer financial gain, household, and employment info, however NOT personal money info, sort of a bank name and account variety. they\'ll additionally not raise regarding any personal health info, like your anamnesis or conditions. (If you’re applying sure as shooting Marketplace exemptions, you will be asked to produce medical documentation.)
If you don’t need to answer over the phone, raise the representative to mail you a letter with directions for finishing your application.
In sure cases, the Marketplace might request extra documentation. If you wish to mail any info to the:
Health Insurance Marketplace
465 Industrial Blvd.
London, American state 40750-0001
Don’t mail any info to a unique address. The code might finish with four further numbers the representative provides.
When to report suspected fraud
It’s time to require action if:
Someone aside from the {insurance company|insurance firm|insurer|insurance underwriter|underwriter|nondepository money institution} you’ve chosen contacts you regarding insurance and asks you to pay – or asks for your financial or personal health info
Someone you don’t apprehend contacts you regarding obtaining insurance and asks you to pay – or asks you for your personal money or health info
Someone contacts you and claims to be from the govt. or health care – and asks you to obtain a replacement “Obamacare” insurance card
You offer your personal health, checking account, or mastercard info to somebody WHO calls you and says they’re from the govt.